We follow Libby Pink in the first book of the series through the days of the week in her quest to find her red mitten, with added activity pages, consisting of coloring pages, find the red mitten maze and dress-up doll cut outs.
you can order your copy on Amazon.com USA, Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.es Spain or from any book store
giving the following information
Libby Pink and the red mitten
by Carol Ann Cartaxo
ISBN 9781320437479
publisher carol ann cartaxo
also available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese editions
Libby Pink: y el mitón rojo
Libby Pink e a Luva Vermelha

In this bumper book of Libby Pink and the bottle Elf,
We follow Libby and Jake as the find the reason behind
a problem at the North Pole.
The story entertaining in itself as a read to me, book.
The story allows and brings as it unfolds a chance to discuss with our children if the read wishes, as wraps around many issues, in modern life, that children often need guidance on.
The book also has Libby Pink´s many activity pages at the back with cut out counters and dice for the board game a double page game within the book, colouring pages, dot to dot, cut out dress up doll and clothes.
Libby Pink and the bottle Elf
Christmas Special
by Carol Ann Cartaxo
ISBN 9781364795108
publisher carol ann cartaxo

Libby Pink and the Bees a Bathampton Meadows Special,
Libby staying with her grandparents in Bathampton hears about the plight of the Meadows, the City want to build a park and ride carpark Libby is very keen on saving the Meadows, the wildlife and habitat. Next to the meadows is a research centre into the declining bee population. The area is outstanding Beauty and flood plain.
As she believes that we should look after our planet and that starting with saving the bees, she is now working with local people to help save Bathampton Meadows. the book also has activity pages, colouring, a Bee maze, dress up doll and clothes and a bit more.
Libby Pink and the Bees
Bathampton Meadows Special
by Carol Ann Cartaxo
publisher carol ann cartaxo

In Libby Pink Goes to Town, Libby learns to tie her shoes laces. Join Libby as she enjoys a trip into Town, make Libby´s cut out dress up doll and dress her up in the clothes, colouring pages and make a bookmark.
Libby Pink Goes to Town
by Carol Ann Cartaxo
publisher carol ann cartaxo

Libby Pink and the mystery of the postcard
Libby Pink and the mystery of the postcard. she uncovers the mystery about a postcard and ends up telling her mother a secret. Learn how to write and send a postcard, follow Libby she unravels the mystery of who sent the postcard Make a Libby cut out dress up doll, with clothes,
Libby Pink and the mystery of the postcard by Carol Ann Cartaxo
ISBN 9780368298011
publisher carol ann cartaxo

Libby Pink Journal
Libby Pink Journal has dotted pages to make it easy to draw boxes and other objects. The dots give you a subtle but easy reference for keeping your perspective in drawing pictures or just general notes, sketching stick in photos or stickers. It is an ideal gift for girls of all ages for any occasion.
Libby Pink Journal by Carol Ann Cartaxo
ISBN 9780368981944
publisher carol ann cartaxo

Libby Pink in Alex´s Birthday Treasure Map
Libby Pink in Alex’s Birthday Treasure Map, We follow Alex’s in the days running up to his birthday. Alex’s uncle tells him, today is your seventh birthday in this family that is a special day. Let your imagination run wild as you enjoy this book and the activties it contains.
by Carol Ann Cartaxo
ISBN 9781714572731
publisher carol ann cartaxo

Libby Pink e o mistério do cartão postal
A Libby descobre o mistério sobre um cartão postal que recebeu no correio e acaba por contar um segredo à mãe. Aprende a escrever e enviar um cartão postal, segue o cartão postal pelo labirinto, veste as bonecas da Libby com roupas e pinta páginas de colorir, tudo isto pode ser encontrado nas páginas de atividades na parte de
trás do livro.
by Carol Ann Cartaxo
ISBN 9781714989164
publisher carol ann cartaxo

Libby Pink in Winning a Great London Prize
Great Herbsice British Sausage
Libby Pink had entered a competition to name a new brand of British sausages She was very delighted to hear that she had won.
The story follows Libby and her family as they travel to London on a trip of a lifetime and to enjoy the grand prize. There will be a follow-up book that continues the story, due to be published later.
The book also contains colouring pages, and Libby and Alex cut-out dolls and clothes. to make.
ISBN: 9780464508106

My Best Day
We follow Football loving boy during the day from the time he jumps he out of bed and enjoys the day ahead until the end of the day and his bedtime.
The book contains an added surprise of a blow football game to play with up to four players. Staws and a ping-pong ball needed not supplied
By Carol Ann Cartaxo
ISBN: 9781714266333

Libby Pink vai a Cidade
Chocolate quente magico
Em Libby Pink vai à Cidade, a Libby aprende a atar os cordões dos sapatos. Junta-te à Libby enquanto ela se diverte numa viagem à cidade, recorta as roupas e veste a Libby, pinta as páginas de colorir e faz um marcador para o teu livro.
Um livro de contos com atividades
ISBN 9781714456413

Libby Pink na conquista do Grande prémio de Londres
A Libby Pink tinha participado numa competição para dar nome a uma marca de salsichas britânicas. Ela ficou muito animada ao saber que tinha ganhado. Seguimos a Libby e a família Pink enquanto embarcam numa viagem única para Londres e desfrutam do grande prémio.
Este livro contém atividades como recortar bonecas e colorir as roupas.
ISBN 9781715230531

Libby Pink e as abelhas
Um livro para incentivar as crianças a pensar e descobrir sobre o mundo delas com páginas de atividades, que incluem recortes de bonecas e roupas para colorir, labirinto encontra o caminho para casa.
ISBN: 9781715493646